Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A bunch of stuff

So I ventured out to the store today.  It was kinda chilly and rainy today.  On the way back there were some neat clouds rolling over the farm.  I like pictures of clouds so I got one.

I picked up another asparagus plant and a rhubarb plant.  I've got onions, potatoes, garlic, the blueberry plant, and a grape plant to get in the ground in about 3 weeks. 

The Micro Tomato has a bunch of tomatoes!  I can't wait until they're ready to eat.  I have three of these so I might have a ton of tiny tomatoes all at once.  They won't last long around here.

The blue berry bush is also growing good.  It's doubled in size.

This totally sums up my afternoon.  The morning was fine.  But after lunch has been one disaster after another.

Another kombucha batch is done.  It fermented for a few extra days, but I'll add some ginger or cinnamon sticks to it.

The sour dough seems to be doing great.  I've never made it before so I'm just going by what others have on their blogs.

My tea owl.  Just because she's cute.

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